
Integrating Dynamics CRM with Office 365

Written by SpiderGroup | Jan 3, 2018 10:50:05 AM

The basics of Dynamics CRM

If you don’t work in Sales, then it’s possible that you haven’t heard of CRM systems. CRM is short for Customer Relationship Management and is one of the most important tools, not just for a sales team, but for anyone having to deal with multiple clients in business including customer service and marketing teams. A CRM will help to make the interactions with those clients smoother and more successful and help keep that personal touch that is so effective for client retention. It can make sure that everyone on your team is on the same page by showing when the last contact with a client was and what actions are required from this contact. Collaboration is becoming more and more important, not just in terms of working efficiency, but also many employees are looking for the ability to work from home from potential employers.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the most popular brands of CRM software in the world with around 4.4 million users in November 2017. Renamed Dynamics 365 in late 2016, part of what has made Dynamics 365 so in demand is the ability to integrate with Office 365.

How does Microsoft Dynamics integrate with Office 365?

Because Dynamics 365 and Office 365 are both Microsoft products they are built to easily integrate with one another, meaning you have to do little apart from sign up. By talking to a Microsoft Gold Partner such as SpiderGroup you can ensure your Dynamics CRM is best suited to the needs of your business. We can help by training you to use the software and make sure the right applications are ready for you to use.

What are the benefits of Dynamics 365?

By integrating Dynamics 365 with Office 365, you are opening up a huge number of extra data points that can be brought into the CRM to learn more about both your clients and your interactions with them. The main useful integrations we would recommend are:


Through this integration, you can directly track and assign emails using Outlook, making sure that everyone on your team can see the interaction. This doesn’t just work when you are in the office using the desktop app, you can also use it through any browser and on your phone while you are out and about.


Sharing presentations and relevant documents within Dynamics 365 using OneDrive is another way of improving collaboration within your team. You have the ability to assign relevant documents to specific clients and you can also use OneDrive to edit these documents online with other team members simultaneously, or just take them offline completely.

Skype for Business

By using Skype for Business, you can call contacts directly from Dynamics 365 by simply clicking the phone number on their profile. Your phone call will be automatically tracked as an activity allowing you to add comments summarising the call, so you can easily track your contact with the lead or customer.

Dynamics 365 is a system that is great at keeping your customers happy with your service and gives you the ability to easily scale up the software and number of users as your business grows. Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Office 365 is undoubtedly a winning combination for both you and your business.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, SpiderGroup is extremely well equipped to make sure that you can use the integrated Dynamics 365 technology to its full potential. To get your tailored software package, get in touch with our experienced team by calling 0117 933 0570 or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.