
Setting up an IT Infrastructure

Written by SpiderGroup | Feb 26, 2018 4:35:30 AM


An IT Infrastructure compromises of hardware, software, services and network resources that you require to operate your business effectively. Before going ahead and start setting up your own, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure you maximise and personalise your IT infrastructure for your business needs.

You can split this into two sections, the virtual and the physical. Let’s look at the physical bit first.

Physical infrastructure

Physical infrastructure would be all the servers, the network devices, storage subsystems and physical cables. This also includes the network firewalls and the routers.

You could even consider security and internet antennas as part of your infrastructure. Anything that makes it possible, and you rely on, is part of your infrastructure.

Virtual infrastructure

The virtual side of an IT infrastructure is, in my opinion, the most exciting bit. This is where you can really take charge and really find the ideal bespoke package for you and your business goals.

Firstly, and this really is the most important bit for an IT infrastructure (… and let’s be honest, in most things in life) you should assess your needs before acting. Basically, plan and project. Find what you need now and what you might need in 5 year’s time.

Only by doing this, can you get the right infrastructure. You should also keep in mind, that perhaps now you might have 5 employees but your business might be looking to grow in the next few years. So, it’s important to make it scalable for future business plans. Cloud services like Office 365 are highly scalable, customisable and give businesses the option to access more or fewer services and features depending on their needs.

You should also look into the software your employees will need to be as productive and efficient as they can possibly be. Who will provide you the software? Will you have to renew it manually? Can you setup additional employees easily?

Outsourcing your IT worry

By having a company like SpiderGroup in charge of your IT infrastructure, you don’t really have much to worry about. We host your website and provide you fundamental business technologies such as CRM, email hosting and collaborative working tools. Office 365 is a great place to begin, which means your business is all connected to promote an effortless and smooth workflow between you and all of your employees.

If you’re looking for IT Support in Bristol or throughout the UK, SpiderGroup’s engineers can help you. We offer free business technology reviews where we analyse your current IT systems and see what IT infrastructure is recommended for your business. Plus, we ensure your staff have all the tools they need too. SpiderGroup is a Microsoft Gold Partner so you’re in safe hands! Get in touch by calling us on 0117 933 0570 or you can fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.